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Atkinson – Faith

Atkinson Faith

by Israel Atkinson
London :Houlston and Sons, Paternoster Buildings:
and of All Booksellers – Brighton : the Author, 38, Rose Hill Terrace.

Summary of Faith

I this work Atkinson contrasts biblical faith against the “law of works”. He focuses on faith in Jesus Christ, the author of faith, and examines various aspects of this faith, (prepositions used with “faith”, verbs, governing nouns), and finally the duty of the believer to have faith or believe.

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Baier, J. – Compendium of Positive Theology

Compendium of Positive Theology

by Johann Wilhelm Baier (1647-1695)

Edited by C. F. W. Walther, St. Louis, Concordia Publishing House, 1877 (Abridged).

The Baier/Walther Compendium served as the systematic theology textbook for the first few generations of Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod pastors. Written in Latin, it is a revised edition of a classic work by the Seventeenth Century Lutheran dogmatian Johannes Baier. This edition contains an english translation of the theses at the head of each chapter. Later editions will offer the full text of the work. Continue reading