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carm.org – Evangelism


By Carm.org

Evangelism is the duty of every Christian. Whether you share your faith a lot or a little, the Lord wants Christians to share the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Below are articles that can help you tell others about Jesus.

This is a 21 chapter work on evangelism which are taken from Carm.org’s site. They examine various issues in evangelism and evangelizing such as foundations, why?, the four spiritual laws, actually leading someone to Christ, Gospel tracts, and various chapters on how to witness. Continue reading

Cutting How Shall They Hear? (evangelism)

Cutting How Shall They Hear? (evangelism)

by George Cutting (1843-1934)

Mr. George Cutting is well known, even in evangelical circles, as the author of ‘Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment’ but, sadly, little personal information is available. He was born in 1843 and taken by his Lord in 1934 while living in Aldeburgh, Suffolk. In addition to many booklets and gospel tracts, he co-authored hymn 234 in the 1973 hymn book.

In this 8 chapter work by George Cutting (Brethren) he examines God’s call for us to reach the world with the Gospel. Cutting How Shall They Hear? (evangelism) Continue reading