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Eiselen, F.C. – The Christian View of the Old Testament

The Christian View of the Old Testament

By Frederick Carl Eiselen

Professor in Garrett Biblical Institute
Copyright, 1912

Printed in the United States of America
First Edition Printed September, 1912
Second Printing, June, 1913
Third Printing, May, 1916
Fourth Printing, November, 1917
Fifth Printing, September, 1921
Sixth Printing, September, 1923
Seventh Printing, October, 1925
Eighth Printing, July, 1928

This is a 6 chapter work on the Christian view of the OT. The way the NT views the OT, the OT and Modern Science, Modern Criticism, Archeology, Comparative Religion, and the permanent significance of the OT. Continue reading

Kimble, E. – Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation

Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation

Eugene Kimble, Ph.D.

In this 13 page work by Kimble (Bob Jones University) he examines the progress of revelation of sacred truth. In this work he examines the steps or progress by which God has gradually revealed truth. His sections are: Organic Growth of Revelation, Progressive Revelation is the Key to Biblical Hermeneutics (three principles), and Conclusion.

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