OT-5-Minor Prophets

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Ross – Studies in the Book of Malachi

Studies in the Book of Malachi

Studies in the Book of Malachi
By Allen Ross

In this work 6 chapter work by Ross, he looks at the different sections of Malachi, God’s Faithful Covenant Love, Worship that God rejects, faithful teaching of God’s Word, profaning the Marriage Coven

ant, God’s justice, and faithfulness, preparing for the Day of the Lord.

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Morgan, G.C. – Malachi’s Message to the Men of Today

Malachi’s Message to the Men of To-day
By Rev. G. Campbell Morgan
Copyright, 1898

In this short book of 6 chapters, Morgan examines tithing as “robbing God”. His chapters: the Spirit of the Age, the complaints of Jehovah, the divine attitude, the elect remnant, and the final word.

Malachi’s Message to the Men of To-day was originally copyrighted in 1898. This title is now public domain. Continue reading

Bellett Minor Prophets

Studies on the Minor Prophets

By John Gifford Bellett

Studies on the Minor Prophets are individual studies on each of the prophets: Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi.

More works by John Gifford Bellet

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