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Bricknell Preaching: Its Warrant, Subject, and Effects

Bricknell Preaching: Its Warrant, Subject, and Effects

Considered with Reference to the Tracts for the Times.

By William Simcox Bricknell


This is a brief 8 chapter work by Bricknell (b1806) on Preaching. He examines the warrant and object of Paul’s commission, the subject and effects of Paul’s preaching, and the conviction and consolation through preaching on the Cross of Christ. His appendices are admonitions for preachers, Sacraments versus Preaching as source of divine grace, the atonement not to held forth for conversion of impenitent, grievous misrepresentation of the views and teaching of Tractarians “Ultra-Protestant Party, and some extracts from Froude’s remains. I have not tracked down everything yet, but basically this looks to be an Anglican work dealing with “Tractarians” which would be people who attack issues in the religious environment with tracts (pamphlets).  Continue reading

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Austin-Sparks, T. – Power With God

Austin-Sparks Power With God

Power with God
by T. Austin-Sparks

Power with GodThese writings are from the 1967 January-October “A Witness and a Testimony” magazines. 1932

In this 5 chapter work by Austin-Sparks (Deeper Life), he examines the lives of 5 men who had_power with God: Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses, and Samuel.

This work by former Baptist Austin-Sparks deals with examples of men with power_with God. He was in the holiness movement. Continue reading

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Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel

Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel

by Timothy Lin, Ph.D.

In this 3 chapter work, Lin (Bob Jones University) presents us with thoughts on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in relation to the minister. His chapters are the Baptism with the Holy Spirit; The Filling of the Holy Spirit, and The Fullness of the Holy Spirit. Excellent work!

Continue reading

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MacKintosh, C.H. – Ministry

By C.H.Mackintosh

This is a three chapter work by C.H. Mackintosh (Plymouth Brethren) on 1) the house of God and God’s servant, 2) the Unequal Yoke, and 3) the Remnant. Continue reading

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Gordon, S.D. – Quiet Talks on Service

Quiet Talks on Service

By S. D. Gordon
Author of “Quiet Talks on Power” and “Quiet Talks on Prayer”

In this 8 chapter work by Gordon (Congregationalist, Baptist) he presents us with meditations on our Christian Service. His chapter are person contact with Jesus or the beginning of service, the perspoective of service, the rhythm of service, the motive-power of service, the ambition of service, the golden channel of service, a hindrance to service, and sifted for service. Continue reading

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