Names Titles of Jesus

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Towns, E.L. – The Names of Jesus

The Names of Jesus

Topic: The Names of Jesus
By Elmer L. Towns

Names of Jesus. Over 700 names of Jesus to help you Really know the Lord loves you.

Elmer L. Towns (October 21, 1932 – ) serves as dean of the School of Religion at Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, which he co-founded in 1971 with Dr. Jerry Falwell. He holds degrees from Southern Methodist University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, and Fuller Theological Seminary.

In this 16 chapter work by Towns, he presents us with over 700 names of Jesus. He has chapters on the name of Jesus, title “LORD”, the office of Christ, the OT Prophetic names of Jesus, the salvational names of Jesus, the birth names, the service names, the sonship names, the Godhead names, the Jehovistic titles, the church names, and the apocalyptic names. There is an extensive appendix with an alphabetic listing of all names. Continue reading