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Bruce, A.B. – Training of the Twelve

Training of the Twelve
By Alexander Balmain Bruce (1831-1899)

In this 61 chapter work by Bruce (Free Church of Scotland), he presents us with Christ’s training of his 12 apostles. Some of his chapters are on personal evangelism, prayer, fasting, holiness, confronting the Pharisees and Sadducces. the coming cross, temper, the transfiguration, servanthood, etc. Continue reading

Baxter, R. – Studies for Young Christians

Studies for Young Christians,
Beginners in Religion
by Richard Baxter  (1615-1691)

This chapter consists of twenty directions to (as Mr. Baxter says) “young Christians or beginners in religion, for their establishment and safe proceeding.” Though these studies were written specifically for “young” Christians, I think that you will find (as I did), there is much in here worthy of meditation for those who have been walking with God for many years. Continue reading