Eternal Security

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Bustin My Sheep shall never Perish

My Sheep shall never Perish

By Gerald Bustin

Summary of Bustin My Sheep shall never Perish

This is a short 3 chapter work by Bustin dealing with the issue of eternal security. Note that he believes one can lose his salvation, but even so, he offers extremely good exhortations for those who sin with impunity, yet claim to be saved anyway, and not in danger of eternal perdition. Bustin My Sheep shall never Perish
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Ironside Eternal Security of the Believer

Ironside Eternal Security of the Believer

By Dr. Harry Ironside

Summary: In this (38 Section) work, Ironside presents us with a Biblical study on Eternal Security. Among dealing with various different issues related to the Believer’s security in his salvation, he also presents 24 questions and then answers them, which are basically 23 of them are specific passages relating to Eternal Security.

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Ironside-eternal-security Bok
Ironside-eternal-security Bok
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