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Chadwell If you are going to be a Shepherd, walk in the pasture

If you are going to be a Shepherd, walk in the pasture

by David Chadwell


This work of 16 chapters by David Chadwell (Church of Christ) examines various subjects for pastors pastoring a local church.

Evaluation by David Cox

This is a work for pastors in their ministry. I would recommend this work.

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Goodell, C.L. – The Pastor His Own Evangelist

The Pastor His Own Evangelist: 

Methods, texts, seed thoughts, and illustrations
By Charles LeRoy Goodell D.D.

With an introduction by J. Wilbur Chapman, D.D. and a Preliminary chapter on preparing for a revival.

This 18 chapter work by Goodell (Congregationalist) deals with the Pastor in his role as Evangelist. He looks at various aspects of how and why the pastor’s role is his own evangelist.

Copyright, 1910, by F. M. Barton Company,

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Goodell-the-pastor-his-own-evangelist Bok
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Miller, S. – Ruling Elder

An Essay on the Warrant, Nature and Duties of the Office of the Ruling Elder in the Presbyterian Church
by Samuel Miller, D.D.
Professor of Ecclesiastical History and church Government in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, N.J.

In this work (15 chapters) by Miller (Presbyterian-Reformed), he examines the ministry of ruling elder first looking at the testimony of the OT church, the evidence in the NT, the testimony of the church fathers, of the witnesses in the dark ages, of the reformers and those since their time. He then looks at their need in the church, the nature nd duties of such an office, their distinction with deacons, their qualification for office, their election, their ordination, their resignation, and the conducting of discipline on them on the presbyterian plan.

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Worth The Art of Candidating

The Art of Candidating a Hand-Book of the Minister’s Part in Establishing the Pastoral Relation
Copyright, 1907
By Horace Worth

This work is for pastors looking for a new church to pastor. 13 chapters on a pastor candidating for a new church. Some of his chapters are pastoral changes, school of candidating, resigning a pastorate, qualities of a good candidate, etc. Continue reading

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Worth-the-art-of-candidating Bok
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