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Marsh, W. – Antichrist Detected

Antichrist detected
A Sermon preached in St. Thomas’s Church, Birmingham.
by the Rev. William Marsh, D.D. Rector. 1841.

This is a very short 1 chapter work which is a 3 point sermon on the Antichrist. Marsh’s points are:

I. The characteristics of the opponents of Christ.
II. The best means of detecting them.
III. The evidence they afford to the truth of Christianity. Continue reading

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Marsh-antichrist-detected Bok
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Mason, W. – Believer’s Pocket Companion

The Believer’s Pocket Companion
The One Thing Needful to Make Poor Sinners Rich—and Miserable Sinners Happy
By William Mason, August 9, 1773
In this work, Mason looks at various different aspects of “putting on Christ”; Who are exhorted, what is implied, putting on Christ in our minds, in our memory, in our conscience, why we should, when we should, and the blessed effects of putting on the mind of Christ.

“Christ is all!” Colossians 3:2

“Put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” Romans 13:14 Continue reading

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Mason-believers-pocket-companion Bok
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Mather, C. – What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What Must I Do To Be Saved?
by Cotton Mather

Cotton Mather (February 12, 1663 – February 13, 1728). B.A. 1678 (Harvard College), M.A. 1681; honorary doctorate 1710 (University of Glasgow), was a socially and politically influential Puritan minister, prolific author, and pamphleteer. He attended Boston Latin School, and graduated from Harvard in 1678, at only 15 years of age. After completing his post-graduate work, he joined his father as assistant Pastor of Boston’s original North Church. Author of more than 450 books and pamphlets, Cotton Mather’s ubiquitous literary works made him one of the most influential religious leaders in America. Mather set the nation’s “moral tone,” and sounded the call for second and third generation Puritans, whose parents had left England for the New England colonies of North America to return to the theological roots of Puritanism. His major works are: Continue reading

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Mather-what-must-i-do-to-be-saved Bok
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