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Tongue of Fire
by William Arthur
This work is 6 chapters on the baptism of the Holy Spirit, referring principally to the work at Pentecost. Speaking in tongues is addressed as an effect of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. But boldness in witnessing is the effect. Obviously the tongues they spoke in were known languages, as Acts 2 elaborates
CONTENT of Tongue of Fire
1. The Promise of a Baptism of Fire
2. The Waiting for the Fulfillment
3. The Fulfillment of the Promise
4. Effects which immediately Followed the Baptism of Fire.
5. Permanent Benefits resulting to the Church
6. Practical Lessons
Category: | Mysw-bok-a |
Date: | February 4, 2015 |
Atkinson Faith
by Israel Atkinson
London :Houlston and Sons, Paternoster Buildings:
and of All Booksellers – Brighton : the Author, 38, Rose Hill Terrace.
Summary of Faith
I this work Atkinson contrasts biblical faith against the “law of works”. He focuses on faith in Jesus Christ, the author of faith, and examines various aspects of this faith, (prepositions used with “faith”, verbs, governing nouns), and finally the duty of the believer to have faith or believe.
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Category: | Mysw-bok-a |
Date: | February 4, 2015 |
Children of the Bible
Author unknown.
Chicago: Moody Press, [ca. 1900].
This little work is really a book for children. It reviews various children mentioned in the Bible (and adult Bible characters when they were children). Continue reading →
Category: | Mysw-bok-a |
Date: | February 4, 2015 |