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Ironside, H.A. – “Charge That to My Account”

“Charge That to My Account”
and Other Gospel Messages
by Harry A. Ironside, Litt. D..
Copyright, 1931, by The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago

Because GOD has been pleased to set His seal of approval upon these simple gospel messages by using them in the awakening and salvation of sinners, they are now put out in book form in the earnest hope that many who read them may find joy and peace in believing.

Summary: In this 12 chapter work by Ironside (Brethren), he presents us with some Gospel messages centering on salvation. Some of the message titles are “Charge that to my account”, the way to the city, will a loving God permit anyone to be eternally Lost? dreams that will never come true, the chains of sin, sinless one made sin, transgression forgiven, the greatest text in the Bible, How to become a children of God, Anathema Maranatha, inside the veil and outside the camp, and Peace by Christ Jesus. Continue reading

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Ironside-charge-that-to-my-account Bok
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Chapin Discourses on Various Subjects

Chapin Discourses on Various Subjects

by E.H. Chapin

Summary of Chapin Discourses on Various Subjects

This work by Chapin (Universalist) is 9 chapters on miscellaneous topics, the Tonge, Humility, conscience, Peter’s Denial, the Pastoral office, etc.

Evaluation by David Cox

This is more of a general work by Chapin. Being a Universalist, that is one strike against him, and his topics are not all that focused in my opinion.

I would not necessarily identify a whole lot of problems with this work, but I would not really recommend it as being a great work of great impact either. Continue reading

Broadus, J.A. – On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons

John Albert Broadus

John Albert Broadus

On the Preparation and Delivery of Sermons
By Rev. John A. Broadus, D.D., LLD.
17 th EDITION. Crown
51 East Tenth St. , Hew York.

Keywords: Sermons, Sermon Preparation, Delivery of Sermons.


John Broadus was a Baptist theologian and preacher, and his famous work presented here on Preparation and Delivery of Sermons is a guide for young preachers in their sermon construction. One of the key points of effective preaching is in preparing the sermon correctly, and of course the delivery of sermons such that they reach into men’s hearts. Continue reading

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Broadus-on-the-preparation-of-sermons Bok
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Broadus, A.B. – Lectures on the History of Preaching

Lectures on the History of Preaching
by John A. Broadus, D.D., LL.D.

Professor in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Greenville, SC.

In this 5 Chapter work by Broadus (Baptist), he examines the history of preaching in Bible, in the early years, in the medieval and reformation, in the French and English pulpits. Continue reading

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Broadus-history-preaching Bok
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