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Alphonus – Uniformity with Gods Will

Uniformity with Gods Will

Uniformity with Gods Will
by Alphonus de Liquori

This author is from the 1700s, but the topic is very today. He begins with the correct presupposition that happiness is only found when the person is living in God’s will. He begins with the excellency of this virtue of being united (uniformity) with God’s will, and then explains how this will be the only thing that causes us true and lasting happiness. He then asserts that God desires our happiness, and that there are “helps” that we can do to examine our lives and bring us into this spiritual position and practice. Without it, we will end up in “spiritual desolation” (Chapter 6). Continue reading

Alphonus-Uniformity with God's Will
Alphonus-Uniformity with God's Will
Version: 1
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