Life of Christ

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Glover, T.R. – The Jesus of History

The Jesus of History

By Terrot Reaveley Glover (1869-1943)


In this 10 chaper work by Glover, he looks at the Jesus in the gospels, his childhood and youth, later Jesus as a man and then his mind. Jesus as a teacher, and his own teaching of God, on sin, and his choice to go to the cross.

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1.1 MB

Machen Life of Christ

The Life of Christ by J. Gresham Machen (1881-1937) In this short 9 chapter work, Machen deals with the life of Christ. His divisions are: 1. The Preparation, 2. the first coming of Christ, 3. His baptism, 4. the early Judean Ministry, 5. the beginning of the Galilaean Ministry, 6. Christ’s period of popularity, 7. the Turning point, 8. Jesus as Messiah, and 9. the prediction of the Cross

CONTENTS 1. The Preparation 2. The Coming of the Lord 3. The Baptism 4. The Early Judean Ministry 5. The Beginning of the Galilaean Ministry 6. The Period of Popularity 7. The Turning Point 8. Jesus as Messiah 9. The Prediction of the Cross

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Machen-the-life-of-christ Bok
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