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Bronson, C.W. – Extent of the Atonement

The Extent of the Atonement
by Charles W. Bronson

In this 8 chapter book, Bronson examines the Atonement. He presents the legal penalty required, God’s purpose in Christ, an application of the Atoement, the Atonement in Typology, objections, etc.

Charles Wesley Bronson was born and reared in the tiny village of Muncie, Kansas during the worst part of the depression. The author’s father was an old time Baptist preacher and his sermons left an indelible impression on the author who was hardly more than a baby. These were days when men preached righteousness from God’s Holy Word, and Bronson seems to have caught some of the charisma that rested on his father. When he came of age, he felt impelled to preach the gospel of Gods’ grace. He has had wide and varied experiences in the ministry and has held various pastorates including some 7 years as a missionary to Korea. He learned to love the Korean people while in the service of his country during the Korean War. His only desire has been to preach Christ crucified, saying, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” He feels perhaps the message most needed today is the fact that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. Continue reading

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Bronson-the-extent-of-the-atonement Bok
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Machen Doctrine of Atonement

Machen Doctrine of Atonement

by J. Gresham Machen


Three lectures on the Atonement by J. Gresham Machen. This work by Machen is a short 3 chapter work on the Atonement. First the doctrine of the Atonement, then Christ’s active obedience, and the final chapter is the Bible and the Cross. Machen Doctrine of Atonement

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Machen-doctrine-of-atonement Bok
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Lang Atoning Blood – What it does, and What it does not Do

Lang Atoning Blood – What it does, and What it does not Do

by George H. Lang (Brethren)

All Scripture quotations are from the R.V. (1881 revision).
Copies of this book are available from: Schoettle Publishing Co., U.S.A.

In this 13 chapter book by Lang (Brethren), he does an excellent study of the biblical concept of the atoning blood. He examines what the blood does, and what it doesn’t do, Continue reading

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Boettner, L. – Limited Atonement

Limited Atonement

by Loraine Boettner

In this 9 chapter work, Boettner (Reformed, Presbyterian) presents us with the doctrine of the limited atonement, i.e. Christ only died for the elect. He first states the doctrine, the examines the infinite value of Christ’s atonement, the limited purpose and application of the atonement, Christ’s work as a perfect fulfillment of the law, a ransom, the divine purpose, and the exclusion of the non-elect. Continue reading

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Boettner-limited-atonement Bok
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Morton – More than Forgiven

More than Forgiven

More than Forgiven
By Tim Morton

More than Forgiven is a set of eight outlines intended to help a born again Christian better understand his salvation.

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Morton, Tim - More Than Forgiven(bs) Bok
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