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Gordon S.D. Quiet Talks about Jesus

Quiet Talks about Jesus

by Samuel Dickey Gordon (1906)

Author of “Quiet Talks on Power,” and “Quiet Talks on Prayer”

This work has 4 sections: A bit ahead (an introduction), the Purpose of Jesus, the person of Jesus, and the Great Experiences of Jesus’ life. The final chaper is study notes for the book. There are about 20 chapters in this work. It is a devotional work. Continue reading

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Glover, T.R. – The Jesus of History

The Jesus of History

By Terrot Reaveley Glover (1869-1943)


In this 10 chaper work by Glover, he looks at the Jesus in the gospels, his childhood and youth, later Jesus as a man and then his mind. Jesus as a teacher, and his own teaching of God, on sin, and his choice to go to the cross.

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Brown, J. – Christ: The Way The Truth and The Life

Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life

by Rev. John Brown


In this work (29 chapters) by John Brown (Anglican) he examines John 14:6, concentrating on the meaning and application of the being of Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Some chapters deal with how Christ is made use of by God to achieve various things in the believer’s life. Continue reading

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Brownj-christ-way-truth-life Bok
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