Civil Duties

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Beza – Rights of Rulers Over Their Subjects

Concerning the Rights of Rulers Over Their Subjects and the Duty Of Subjects Towards Their Rulers.

By Theodore Beza

Summary: This is a 10 chapter work by Beza (French Reformater) that explores the relationship between the subjects and the ruler of a land from a biblical perspective.

A brief and clear treatise particularly indispensable to either class in these troubled times.

Translation by Henry-Louis Gonin, edited by Patrick S. Poole

Notes from the critical French Edition translated by Patrick S. Poole. This edition and translation © 1995 Patrick S. Poole ([email protected])

To Kings and Princes the Counsel of David: Psalm 2: Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kiss the Son lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for His wrath will soon be kindled.

To the Subjects: I Peter 2:13: Be subjects to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake. Continue reading