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Glover, T.R. – The Jesus of History

The Jesus of History

By Terrot Reaveley Glover (1869-1943)


In this 10 chaper work by Glover, he looks at the Jesus in the gospels, his childhood and youth, later Jesus as a man and then his mind. Jesus as a teacher, and his own teaching of God, on sin, and his choice to go to the cross.

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Glover-the-jesus-of-history Bok
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Talbot, L.T. – Why Four Gospels? The Four-Fold Portrait of Christ

Why Four Gospels? The Four-Fold Portrait of Christ in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
A Series of Radio Messages

By Louis T. Talbot
Pastor, The Church of the Open Door
President, The Bible Institute of Los Angeles Los Angeles, California

In this 22 chapter work by Talbot (BIOLA), he looks at the four gospels. He sees the differences between them, identifying each one’s particular audience and character.

Copyright © 1944

“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding” (Pro 23:23)

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Talbot-why-four-gospels Bok
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McGarvey, J.W. – The Four-Fold Gospel/Acts

McGarvey – The Four-Fold Gospel/Acts

Author(s): McGarvey, John William
Module version: 1.0
Description: This resource encourages a deeper understanding of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ by harmonizing the accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. McGarvey was a theologican in the American Restoration movement. He labored in College of the Bible (today it is Lexington Theological Seminary) in Kentucky, USA. He was noted for his opposition to theological liberalism and higher criticism. His writings are still influential among the heirs of the conservative wing of the Restoration Movement, the Churches of Christ and Independent Christian Churches/Churches of Christ.

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Bellett, J.G. – Meditations upon the Four Gospels

Meditations upon the Four Gospels.
by John Gifford Bellett

Again this is a very short work of Bellett’s writings, with 5 chapters, the first chapter being “the Character of the Lord Jesus in the Gospels”, and then a study on each of the Gospels.

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Bellett-mediations-on-the-gospels Bok
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