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Boyce, J.P. – Abstract of Systematic Theology

Abstract of Systematic Theology

Abstract of Systematic Theology
By James Petigru Boyce

Abstract of Systematic Theology contains forty-two essays ranging in topic from the doctrines of God, the Trinity, and humanity, to creation, providence, and justification. Boyce also wrote extensively on the issues of election, atonement, and the immortality of the soul. Boyce’s theology was heavily influenced by Charles Hodge, and he used Hodge’s Systematic Theology text at the Southern Baptist Seminary. The essays found in Abstract of Systematic Theology were originally intended to supplement the content of Boyce’s systematic theology classes at the seminary from 1859–1888. Boyce compiled and completed Abstract: “it is no mere logic chopping treatise but is vibrant with an experimental faith centered in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior… .” Published in 1887.

Author Biography: Continue reading

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Brown, J. – Christ: The Way The Truth and The Life

Christ: The Way, The Truth, and The Life

by Rev. John Brown


In this work (29 chapters) by John Brown (Anglican) he examines John 14:6, concentrating on the meaning and application of the being of Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life. Some chapters deal with how Christ is made use of by God to achieve various things in the believer’s life. Continue reading

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