Studies in the Book of Malachi
Studies in the Book of Malachi
By Allen Ross
In this work 6 chapter work by Ross, he looks at the different sections of Malachi, God’s Faithful Covenant Love, Worship that God rejects, faithful teaching of God’s Word, profaning the Marriage Coven
ant, God’s justice, and faithfulness, preparing for the Day of the Lord.
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CONTENTS of Ross’ Malachi Commentary
1. God’s Faithful Covenant Love (Malachi 1:1-5)
2. Worship That God Rejects (Malachi 1:6-14)
3. Faithful Teaching Of God’s Word (Malachi 2:1-9)
4. Profaning The Marriage Covenant (Malachi 2:10-16)
5. God’s Justice and Faithfulness (Malachi 2:17-3:12)
6. Preparing for The Day of The Lord (Malachi 3:13–4:6)
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