Bickersteth Spirit of Life is a book about 200 pages long about the Holy Spirit and His ministry to the believer.
By Edward Henry Bickersteth
Edward Henry Bickersteth (25 January 1825 – 16 May 1906) was a bishop in the Church of England and he held the office of Bishop of Exeter between 1885 and 1900. More on
Burroughs Gospel Worship 14 chapters (263 pages) which are each a sermon on how to properly worship God. (format PDF)
“Jeremiah Burroughs’ Gospel Worship has greatly influenced my understanding of biblical worship. It is one of the most important books I have ever read.”
–R.C. Sproul
Download: Burroughs Gospel Worship.
Table of Contents of Bickersteth Spirit of Life
That of the Old Testament, in the Pentateuch and the book of Job, in the historical books, in the Psalms, and in the Prophets : it is a progressive revelation :
That of the New Testament, in the Gospels, in the Acts, in the Epistles, In the Apocalypse : this likewise progressive. pp. 13-3C.
CHAPTER II. The Distinct Personality of the Holy Spirit :
Not to be confounded with the Father or the Son, for Scripture reveals the simultaneous co-operation and manifestation of Three Infinite Agents:
Sometimes the term Spirit is used to signify the gifts or graces of the Spirit: these docs not disprove the Personality of the Holy Ghost; for, according to the Scriptures, He possesses such qualities as a person only can possess. He performs such actions as a person only can perform. He is capable of suffering such injuries as n person only can suffer. He is designated by masculine pronouns, though the noun Spirit is neuter.
pp. 37-49.
CHAPTER III. The Eternal Godhead of the Holy Spirit :
His attributes are the attributes of Godhead,
His acts are the actings of Godhead.
He is regarded and spoken of, as God, in Holy Writ.
He is associated with the Father and the Son in glory and worship. . pp. 50-70.
Chapter IV.—The Holy Spirit anointing the Son of Man :
Being one with tho Father and tho Son in the counsels of redemption ;
Fashioning the human body of the Saviour,
Besting upon Him without measure from His birth,
Openly descending upon Him at His baptism,
Strengthening Him in the temptation,
Enduing him as tho Prophet of His Church,
Enabling Him in His mighty works,
Anointing Him for His atoning sacrifice,
Quickening Him in His resurrection,
Vouchsafed to Him in the plenitude of Divine gifts after His ascension.
pp. 71-84.
Chapter V. The Spirit, the Author of Holy Scripture :
The oracles of God committed to Israel;
The testimony of Christ to the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms;
All alike Divinely inspired, though given in sundry portions and in divers manners.
The harmony of the Old and New Testaments,
The same proofs, which certified Israel of the inspiration of the Old Testament, certify us of that of the New Testament.
This inspiration promised by our Lord and claimed by His apostles.
It is compatible with the char human characteristics of the sacred writers, but incompatible with any error in the Scriptures, as first given to the Church :
The due place of biblical criticism :
This great gift of God we owe to the Holy Spirit.
Chapter VI. The Holy Spirit striving with the World :
He strove with the world before tho Flood :
He was resisted by Israel, as St. Stephen testifies.
Even in the case of those who finally repulse His grace
He may enlighten the understanding;
He may work strong convictions;
He may invite them to embrace the Gospel;
He may warn them and awaken alarm;
He may wound the heart hy Ilia word;
He may persuade them to effect an outward reformation.
Examples in Scripture of those convicted but not converted.
The Spirit may bd grieved, vexed, insulted, blasphemed.
Blasphemy of the Spirit, aud the sin unto death.
pp. 104-119.
Chapter VII. The Holy Spirit quickening the Soul to life:
The conversation of our Lord with Nicodemus:
Scripture designations fur the new birth of the soul :
The Spirit’s illumination of the understanding :
His saving conviction of Bin, righteousness, and judgment :
He brings the soul to self-despair and self-surrender:
He enables the contrite heart to pray:
He effectuates the obedience of faith:
He gives peace with God:
He sheds abroad the love of God in tho heart:
He awakens godly sorrow :
He leads the convert to confess Christ.
pp. 320-13!).
CHAPTER VIII. The Holy Spirit sanctifying the Believer :
Definition of sanctification : it is progressive.
Sanctification of the believer includes—
An ever-deepening knowledge of the things of God,
A growing delight in the heavenly duties of prayer and praise,
A more and more vigorous faith in the salvation of Christ,
A more entire submission of our will to the will of God,
A more, resolute crucifying of the flesh and a more earnest cultivation of the fruits of tire Spirit,
A readier willingness to serve and sutler for our Master here.
And a brighter prospect of reigning with Him forever.
On declensions and falls: tho Holy Spirit restoring the soul.
The seal of tho Spirit.
pp. 140-177.
Chapter IX. The issue ok the Holy Spirit’s work— In the everlasting kingdom,
In tire perfection of the glorified saint.
In the completion of the Elect Church,
In the new heavens and the new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness.
pp. 178-192.
Bickersteth Spirit of Life Bickersteth, E.H. – The Divine Person and Work of the Holy Spirit (5 downloads )
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Divine use of Sickness
CP34 Divine use of Sickness
Read this tract by Pastor Cox about the divine use of sickness explains how God works with sickness to remind man of his limited time on earth, the consequences of sin, etc.
In this tract Pastor Cox explains how God positively uses sickness to help us turn our thoughts and attention to the eternal. We get so involved in our daily lives sometimes that we forget that our life is but a vapor on this earth, soon to no longer be. God uses sickness as a severe warning that our time is running out, and we need to live as though every moment has a forward view towards eternity. How we spend our life is important.
1. Understanding that God is God
2. Sickness because of Sin
3. Warning about approaching Death
4. Warning about Human weakness
5. The Error of the Sick
6. God listens to those who ask in sincerity
Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
There is an attitude within much of Christianity that sickness in any form is bad, and God does not have anything to do with it. For these Christans, they ask God to take the sickness away, and sometimes (as though it was their right to be health) that they demand God to remove their sickness. The reality of life is that they continue ill, and many have a crisis of faith over this. For them, God is impotent, or God does not love them. In other words, their confidence, faith, and love of God depends on God always sending them good things. But this is not how the Bible indicates life is. God uses calamity and sickness for His own purposes and we have to understand this (and accept it).Please support our tract ministry by donating on the tract website (see sidebar). Because of your donations we can offer these tracts online, and for free. Read the Tract CH34
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A carpenter making his own tools is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own material. I like the idea of producing the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
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