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McFadyen The Message of the Parables

by Joseph Ferguson McFadyen, M.A. D.D.

This is another standard work on the NT parables. Note that this work is seen from a “teacher’s view point” with the first three chapters on Jesus’ use of parables as a teaching method, and another chapter on the parable as an allegory, another on interpretation of parables.


Dagg Manual of Theology
(and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)

I. The Teaching Methods of Jesus 9
II. The Teaching Methods of Jesus 19
III. The Parable as Secret Teaching 27
IV. The Parable as Allegory 38
V. Parable Interpretation 54
VI. General View of the Parables 61
VII. Questions Raised by the Parables 75
VIII. The Sower 82
IX. The Darnel Among the Wheat 92
X. The Great Supper 98
XI. The Man Without the Wedding Garment 105
XII. The Wicked Vinedressers 107
XIII. The Barren Fig-Tree 114
XIV. The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl 118
XV. The Mustard Seed 123
XVI. The Seed Growing of Itself 127
XVII. The Leaven 1 3o
XVIII. The Fishing Net 134
XIX. Tthe Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin 139
XX. The Pharisee and the Publican 144
XXI. The Prodigal Son 15
XXII. The Two Debtors 159
XXIII. The Unforgiving Creditor 164
XXIV. Tower and the Threatened King 169
XXV. Rich Man and Lazarus 171
XXVI. Good Samaritan 178
XXVII. Rich Fool 187
XXVIII. Talents and the Pounds 194
XXIX. Unjust Steward 202
XXX. Workers in the Vineyard 219
XXXI. Midnight Petitioner 224
XXXII. Importunate Widow 230
XXXIII. Bridesmaids 237
Literature 245

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fam30 what does it mean to be a man of God?
explores what is a man of God, looking at his character and faithfulness.
Topics: Settling yourself in Sound Doctrine | He is not Worldly in Finances | A Vision for the Heavenly | Justice | Piety | Faith | Love | Patience | Meekness.
Read the Tract: fam30 what does it mean to be a man of God?

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

Buy me a Cup of Coffee! To make an old Christian work into a PDF, a module for theWord, MySword, or eSword takes time. These works are scans from old books, and as such, I have to go through the text some dozen times looking for places where the OCR is incorrect, blurred, or just skipped something.

Text Editing.Then there are the old Bible references like John iii. 16. Many young Christians and even preachers do not know the Latin system for books of the Bible. I convert Roman numerals in these books to Arabic (iii. to 3).

I have had to invest days and days in writing macros to read a long text, and make substitutions (for the above, search for "iii" and replace with "3:"). Unfortunately, with Psalms you have to start with 150 in Roman numerals (CL) and work your way backwards. But using macros, it is almost instantaneous the next time I need this. Work smarter, not harder. All this takes time and patience, (and being smart enough to do it in a macro language) (as well as a lot of coffee) and then making the text into theWord or eSword, mySword or a PDF.

Please donate something to me once every 6 months or even once a year, even if it is only $5, so that I can pay my bills for hosting, and also keep things moving along. It costs me about $10 per month to keep a website on the Internet. My websites also contains ads which have links to my sermons, tracts, books, that I have written. These keep my works before visitors, even if they are not visiting the specific website where I have them stored. It is my own "web" internally of my own sites with links to good Christian literature. May God bless for your prayers and donations.

Take a look at a few of our tracts:
salv76 suffering should seek his Savior
- explains how we should react to problems and sufferings, we should seek the Savior.
pc15 How to fight against depression - we treat the problem of depression. Depression is not a physical disease, it is an emotional and spiritual disease that "bleeds over" and causes aggravation and physical consequences if not attended to at the spiritual-social-emotional level.
ch15 Congregating because we Love - a tract about why we attend church. Our relationship with our brethren in Christ is highly integrated with our salvation and our sanctification.
SSTeen1-01 Existence of God - Does God really exist? This is not a tract but a teen Sunday School Class that I wrote answering this important question.
fam48 Men are God's Agents - Men are God’s Agents to accomplish His Will, looks at man as God wants him to be. Manhood and the husband-wife relationship.