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Gerstner, J.H. – Theology for Everyman


This is an 11 chapter work on various theological issues. These chapters are basically 3 and 4 point teachings or sermons that are shorter in nature.

Evaluation by David Cox

This is basically sermons, and Dr. Gerstner is a Reformed Theologian. I understand his effort here, but the reader should very clearly understand that this is not an elaborate Systematic Theology book, but just 11 sermons on theology, which in themselves are very good. Shortness or being an overview is their strong point. I recommend this work although I usually put a warning on Reformed and Calvinistic authors. I did not find that his single chapter on “God’s Providence” not to be a heavy belaboring of the points of Calvinism, but fair treatment. Frankly, I think that as humans we must “back off” or “take a step back from” election, predestination, and the rest of that. Simply put, there are a lot of the things in the eternal mind that we cannot fathom here and now, and probably never, even in heaven. We should note generally what God says about it, but refrain from doing intensive logistics on that, making a lot of speculation that we simply cannot say for sure. What may seem logic to us, or illogical to us, is perfect for God, or “beyond us.” The disciples could not understand the logic of Jesus going to Jerusalem knowing that his enemies would plot to kill him, and Jesus says as a prophet, “and they will kill me, for I go to die”. While that was beyond men’s reasoning then, today we understand it better. I like Gerstner’s work, and the one “great” fault I find with it is that I wish he had elaborated his thoughts for a work 10 times larger. I recommend this work.

Chapter Content of Theology for Everyman

Everyman Must be a Theologian
God’s Providence: A Two-edged Sword
Sin Makes No Racial Distinctions
Jesus Christ: The God-Man
Atonement: How Jesus Paid It All
Justification by Faith: Twofold Salvation
Sanctification: Christianizing the Christian
Assurance: How We Know That We Know Christ
The Church: Body of Christ
The Future: Gulf Between Two Worlds
The Way: Straight and Narrow

Moule Veni Creati
is an old, well known work in studies in the Holy Spirit by Bishop (Anglican) H.G.C. Moule. It has 12 chapters. It is a deep treatment of the Holy Spirit. Although Moule was Anglican, his writings are well written and good.
theWord: Moule Veni Creati
MySword: Moule Veni Creati
ESword:Moule Veni Creati
Adobe Acrobat PDF: Moule Veni Creati

Gerstner-john-h Bok
Gerstner-john-h Bok
315.4 KB

bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies?
is a tract about the Christian's relationship with truth and lies. We should seek to tell and live the Truth, and not falsehoods.
Topics: Under which Flag do you March? | Christians practice the Truth | The "truth" is Moral Principle | The "truth" is Moral Principle | To be the son of ... is to imitate such a person | A hypocrite is to say that you are something, but you live differently | Embracing Life is the only way.
Read the Tract: bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies?.

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

Give a Cup of Water in my Name
Matthew 10:42 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.

Christians who give even a small cup of water will not lose their reward for doing this. God will not overlook their effort to help others in the work of the Lord. To help others is rewarded by God, especially when you are helping the weak, the small young ones (think new believers), the helpless like widows in the Bible, those who cannot provide for themselves. So, my websites are for these kinds of people. I am providing material that is good sound doctrinal material, fundamentalist, conservative, biblical material.

But what I am doing is in the name of the Lord. I am not trying to get rich, but I am just trying to pay my bills from this ministry. My wife and I have personally supported our internet sites with my sermons, tracts, books, etc. and other good solid works for some 20 years now, paying for everything from our living expenses. We have had donations from some few people, about 3 or 4 a year, mostly under $30. That doesn't even begin to address the hundreds of dollars we pay hosting companies to maintain this ministry. While our downloads from these sites reach 40 gigabytes per month, donations don't seem to be in people's minds.

So even a small $5 donation to help us out will allow you to participate with me in this ministry, and you will receive rewards in eternity also. May God bless you richly in heaven for your generosity in promoting God's work. If you cannot donate anything, ⁣ that is alright, just say a prayer for this ministry and email me saying that you prayed for us so that we can give thanks for you before the throne of grace. Thank you.

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