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Adams, N. – Catharine (Death)

Catharine (Death)
by Nehemiah Adams

In this 5 chapter work by Congregationalist minister Adams, he examines death from the Christian point of view, with chapters on more than conqueror, fear of death alleviated, search for the departed, silence of the dead, the redemption of the body.

Contents of Adams, N. – Catharine (Death)

1. More Than Conqueror, 9
2. The Fear of Death Alleviated, 58
3. The Search For the Departed, 89
4. The Silence of the Dead, 119
5. The Redemption of the Body, 144

Adams - Catharine Bok
Adams - Catharine Bok
559.1 KB

fam26 Wise advice for youth version 2.1
is a tract for helping youth to consider the wisdom and guidance of their parents.
Excerpt: Youth is a time of much energy, strength, and activity. They “get bored” very easily because they always want to go, move, have experiences, and do things (but they do not include work in these desires as a rule). To be quiet, calm, and have patience is not normal for youth. On the other hand, the “beauty” of age is its experiences and understanding (wisdom). (They have been down life’s road before and made all these mistakes themselves, in their own life.)
Read the Tracts: fam26 advice for youth version 2.1.

A carpenter making his own tools
is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own material. I like the idea of producing the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: A carpenter making his own tools.

MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.

Donate to David Cox Ministries
I have 34 websites, about half in English and half in Spanish. All of these sites are either religious blogs or sites specifically to support and offer free modules for Bible Software. Some of them have over 1000 free religious books for Bible study. I have to pay for all of this somehow, and most months, the entire amount of all websites are on my shoulders alone.
Please donate something today!