- Allen-Judah’s sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright
By J. H. ALLEN (1902)
An Analysis of the Prophecies of the Scriptures in regard to the Royal Family of Judah and the Many Nations of Israel, the Lost Ten Tribes
Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade is an explanation of why I, Pastor-Missionary David Cox, write my own materials like tracts, books, sermons, Sunday School material, etc. We produce the material that we use in our ministry and also for evangelism.
Read the short article: Old Carpenter Tools of his Trade.
TABLE OF CONTENTS of Allen Judah’s Sceptre Joseph’s Birthright
Photos and Illustrations
PART FIRST – The Birthright; Or, The Promise Of Many Nations To Abraham
I. Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright
II. Race Versus Grace
III. The Sceptre and The Birthright
IV. Jacob’s Seed Divided Into Two Kingdoms
V. All Israelites Are Not Jews
VI. The Broken Brotherhood
VII. Ephraim-Samaria — Israel’s Idolatry
VIII. Samaria-Israel Cast Out And Cast Off
IX. The Jews Go To Babylon And Return
X. Joseph-Israel Lost
XI. Joseph-Israel — (Continued)
PART SECOND – The Sceptre; Or, The Promise Of A Perpetuated House, Throne, And Kingdom To David
I. The Sceptre And The Davidic Covenant
II. Jeremiah’s Call And Commission
III. The Tearing Down And Rooting Out
IV. Vindication Of The Personal Promises Of Jeremiah
V. A Royal Remnant That Escapes
VI. The Prince Of The Scarlet Thread
VII. The “Prince Of The Scarlet Thread” And “The Royal Remnant” United
PART THIRD – The Veil Lifted From Abrahamic Nations
I. Lost Israel And The First Overturn Located
II. Jacob’s Pillow-Pillar Stone
III. The Other Overturns
IV. Dan –The Serpent’s Trail
V. Israel In The Isles
VI. A Few More Identities
VII. A Study In “Scarlet”
VIII. Egypt-Israelitish And Anglo-Saxon Emblems
IX. The Two-Fold Aspect Of Prophetic Israel
X. The Coming Exodus
Allen Judah’s Sceptre Joseph’s Birthright
Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews? We explain this hatred in light of Satan hatred toward God and God's chosen people.
Topics: The Spiritual Battle | God Chose a People for Himself | Satan Hates God | Isaac against Ismael | The Prophetic Calendar | 1.) The Rapture of the Church | 2) The Beginning of the Seven Years of Tribulation. | The Battle of Armageddon | Lessons to Never Forget.
Excerpt: 1. God has everything under control. Things go according to His plans.
2. All of this is the beginning, and it will get worse.
3. The Christian hopes for the rapture, and we will leave.
4. The hatred of the world comes because we identify as God’s people, separate from sin, holy unto Him.
Read the Tract: bs54 Why do Arabs hate Jews?
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