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André, George – The Prophet Jeremy

The Prophet Jeremiah

by George André

This book is a character study on the life of the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremy).

CONTENTS of André, George – The Prophet Jeremy

1. Family and Calling
2. Boldness
3. Persecution
4. Discouragement
5. Baruch (Jer 36)
6. The Choice


Stalker The Preacher and His Models
Looks at the Preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, as a False Prophet, as a man, as a Christian, as an Apostle, and as a Thinker.
Read the Work: Stalker The Preacher and His Models.

This book is not a commentary on the Book of Jeremiah, but an outline of his personality, life, and service. Characterized by faithfulness and obedience in a time of weakness and confusion, Jeremiah spoke the final words of Jehovah in Jerusalem, where He had placed “the remembrance of His name”, before this city was destroyed. Soon afterward began “the times of the Gentiles,” a period which continues to the present and will last until Israel finally acknowledges its Messiah.

Jeremiah was a weak and timid man, but God’s power worked in him. As one has said, “What matters is not knowing the ambassador, but knowing the Power that sends him. Those who despise him despise not the man, but the One who sends him” (W. Kelly). The tragedy of this prophet lay in his constant obligation to forewarn of judgment while his whole inner self recoiled from such a prospect.

How different our part! To us is given the opportunity to present the gospel of grace and salvation through our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ.

Version: 1
274.4 KB

Helpful Tracts for Church Problems
Spiritual Watchcare is about church leadership taking spiritual care of the members of their church. Job description, administration, etc.
This study is about what the Bible says to those in the care of spiritual oversight of a local church, and the link here is to tracts for those who are considering different aspects of this.
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