Bob Jones University

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Kimble, E. – Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation

Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Principles of Progressive Revelation

Eugene Kimble, Ph.D.

In this 13 page work by Kimble (Bob Jones University) he examines the progress of revelation of sacred truth. In this work he examines the steps or progress by which God has gradually revealed truth. His sections are: Organic Growth of Revelation, Progressive Revelation is the Key to Biblical Hermeneutics (three principles), and Conclusion.

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Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel

Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel

by Timothy Lin, Ph.D.

In this 3 chapter work, Lin (Bob Jones University) presents us with thoughts on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in relation to the minister. His chapters are the Baptism with the Holy Spirit; The Filling of the Holy Spirit, and The Fullness of the Holy Spirit. Excellent work!

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Kimble, E. – Alleged Discrepancies in the Bible

Alleged Discrepancies in the Bible
Eugene Kimble, Ph.D.

Some critics of the Bible say there are discrepancies in the numbers found in the Bible, therefore the Bible is unreliable and not accurate. I propose that such alleged discrepancies in the numbers reported in the Bible can be resolved with diligent study and illumination by the Holy Spirit.

Here are ten examples of alleged numeric discrepancies and their resolutions that prove this hypothesis… (See module for more)…

This is a very short (6 page) examination of some of the supposed discrepancies in the numbers given in the Old Testament about various events. Continue reading