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Murray, A. – The Spirit of Christ

The Spirit of Christ
by Andew Murray

In this 31 chapter (month devotions) book by Andrew Murray (Deeper Life, Dutch Reformed), he examines the spirit of Christ. Continue reading

Murray-The Spirit of Christ
Murray-The Spirit of Christ
Version: 1
1.1 MB

Younce Face to Face with Tongues

Face to Face with Tongues:
A Verse by Verse Examination and Exposition On the Subject of Tongues
By: Dr. Max D. Younce
Heritage Baptist Bible Church
P.O. Box 573
Walnut Grove, Minnesota 56180
Copyright 2008

In this five chapter work, Pastor Younce (Baptist) examines the issue of speaking in tongues. He examines the purpose of tongues as in evidence to the Messiah, to the Jews, and to its message. The concentration of the gifts of the Spirit, the consummation of the gifts of the Spirit, the control of the gifts of the Spirit, and the commission, concern, and conclusion. Continue reading

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Younce-face-to-face-with-tongues Bok
378.9 KB

Bronson, C.W. – Extent of the Atonement

The Extent of the Atonement
by Charles W. Bronson

In this 8 chapter book, Bronson examines the Atonement. He presents the legal penalty required, God’s purpose in Christ, an application of the Atoement, the Atonement in Typology, objections, etc.

Charles Wesley Bronson was born and reared in the tiny village of Muncie, Kansas during the worst part of the depression. The author’s father was an old time Baptist preacher and his sermons left an indelible impression on the author who was hardly more than a baby. These were days when men preached righteousness from God’s Holy Word, and Bronson seems to have caught some of the charisma that rested on his father. When he came of age, he felt impelled to preach the gospel of Gods’ grace. He has had wide and varied experiences in the ministry and has held various pastorates including some 7 years as a missionary to Korea. He learned to love the Korean people while in the service of his country during the Korean War. His only desire has been to preach Christ crucified, saying, “He must increase, but I must decrease.” He feels perhaps the message most needed today is the fact that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent. Continue reading

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Bronson-the-extent-of-the-atonement Bok
282.6 KB

Wright, C.H.H – The Fatherhood of God

The Fatherhood of God, and Its Relation to the Person and Work of Christ, Operations of the Holy Spirit.

By CHARLES H. H. WRIGHT, M.A., of Trinity College Dublin and Exeter College , Oxford British Ciujpluin at Dresden.



The Fatherhood of God: and Its Relation to the Person and Work of Jesus Christ and the Operation of the Holy Spirit.  Continue reading

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Wright-fatherhood-of-god Bok
1.6 MB

Dagg, J. L. – Baptism

By John Leadley Dagg

In this 11 Chapter work, Dagg (Southern Baptist) presents us with four sections: Section I. The Perpetuity of Baptism. Section II. The Meaning of Baptize. Tables of Examples: Bapto, baptizo, confirmation. Arguments for another meaning. Section III. Subjects of Baptism. Section IV. Design of Baptism. Continue reading

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Dagg-baptism Bok
737.3 KB