The Power of the Spirit
Power of the Spirit
by Percy Dreamer, M.A., D.D.
Professor of Ecclesiastical Art, King’s College London
Humphrey Milford Oxford University Press
London, Edinburgh, Glasgow, New York, Toronto, Melbourne, Cape Town, Bombay 1919
Printed in England at the Oxford University Press
In this short 4 chapter work by Percy Dreamer (Anglican) he does a study on the Power of the Holy Spirit, presenting us with the Military Value, the Gifts of the Spirit, the Talents of the Spirit, and the fruits of the Spirit.
Pollock Doctrine of Christ 2 John 1:9-11 is a single chapter work of 28 pages looking at different aspects of the Doctrine of Christ.
PDF: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
theWord: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
MySword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
eSword: Pollock Doctrine of Christ
1. Military Virtue p 7
2. The Gifts of the Spirit p 27
3. The Talents of the Spirit p 54
4. The Fruits of the Spirit p 81
IN one of the chief text-books of theology used in our theological seminaries, the following references are given by the index:’ Holy Ghost, addition of Article on, 198; Divinity of, 199; distinct personality of, 201; history of the doctrine of, 204; procession of, 209; blasphemy against; 446 seq.- –
This seemed to leave room for a little more upon the subject; I therefore ventured to choose ‘The Power of the Spirit ‘ as the subject for the Page Lectures, at Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Connecticut, this year.
bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies? is a tract about the Christian's relationship with truth and lies. We should seek to tell and live the Truth, and not falsehoods.
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Read the Tract: bs28 Do you live the Truth or Lies?.
MySwordmodules is a website dedicate to the MySword Bible Program for Androird devices. We host MySword Modules.
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