How We Got Our Bible

And Why We Believe It Is God’s Word
By W.H. Griffith Thomas
© 1926 The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Copyright expired.
Published by Moody Press, Chicago, Illinois

In this twelve chapter book, Griffith-Thomas presents us with the origin of our Bible. He begin with the structure and history of the Bible, then the canonicity, authority, trustworthiness of the Bible. He then presents the unity of the Bible as a testimony to its divine origin, and then deals with the progressiveness of the Bible. He sums up with two chapters on the inspiration of the Bible, the interpretation of the Bible, and finally God’s purpose in giving us the Bible.

More Works by Griffith-Thomas

Table of Contents of How we got our Bible

1. Structure and History of the Bible 9
2. Canonicity of the Bible 19
3. Authority of the Bible 27
4. Authority of the Bible — Continued 34
5. Trustworthiness of the Old Testament 48
6. Trustworthiness of the New Testament 56
7. Unity of the Bible 66
8. Progressiveness of the Bible 75
9. Inspiration of the Bible 86
10. Inspiration of the Bible — Continued 96
11. Interpretation of the Bible 107
12. Purpose of the Bible 118

Dagg Manual of Theology
(and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)

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Appearing as a posthumous work of that dean of Bible teachers, Dr. W. H. Griffith Thomas (1861-1924), this volume should have a special appeal to all who knew and loved the author, or who are familiar with his earlier works. The Rev. W. Graham Scroggie has said that “the reading of Dr. Thomas’ books creates in one a deeper love of and desire for God as revealed in his Word,” and this is strikingly true of this clear and satisfying marshaling of evidence as to what the Bible is. These studies have appeared serially in the Friends’ Witness under the title, “The Book of Books.”

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fam62 How to be a Feminine Woman
examines femininity from a Bible perspective. It compares homosexuals being feminine. Topics: God created us, man, and woman. | The Spiritual Fight is within us ourselves. | A Device of Satan A Device of Satan | The Homosexual and Trans Angle | Highlighting the Woman, How She Behaves | The Crux of the Matter | To Be a Feminine Woman, She must attend to her adorning. | The Description of a Woman.
Excerpt from the Tract: 1 Corinthians 6:9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither… nor adulterers, nor effeminate… In other words, these people were doing the opposite of what God commanded them to do. Being men and having the command to act manly (1 Corinthians 16:13 Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong), they acted like women. For women, it is the command of God that they act feminine, to be womanly. To seem feminine, these perverts usually use a dress or skirt, and they never use pants, because they know that by using pants they identify themselves being masculine, and using skirts and dress with being feminine. But it seems like an impossible thing to fathom, but even homosexuals know exactly how to identify as a woman, men being feminine, in their rebellion, and Christian women can neither define what it is that God commands them to be, how to dress themselves as women, neither how to act feminine.
How do you distinguish between a man and a woman? Pants in a man, and dress or skirt in a woman. Even common bathroom signs show this obvious point. The question is not how a woman dress should, but why don’t women, especially Christian women, dress like a woman should. It is not a matter of clarity, but a matter of no desire on the part of certain women. Are you a feminine woman? If not, why not?
Read the Tract: fam62 How to be a Feminine Woman

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