Cleared-Up Contradictions in the Bible is a commentary module (format) with comments on over 400 verses in Scripture.
Tag Archives: Authority of the Bible
Ironside, H.A. – Illustration of Bible Truth
Illustration of Bible Truth is a book of 11 chapters, but each chapter has several illustrations of Bible Truth. These are basically sermon illustrations by Ironside (Brethren).
Machen, J.G. – Importance of Christian Scholarship
In Importance of Christian Scholarship by Machen, he examines why Christians should be extremely concerned with excellence in education. The first section is Christian excellence in education’s bearing on evangelism. The second section is its bearing on the defence of the faith, our basic foundational beliefs, and the third section is its bearing on the building up of the church.
Stalker, J. – How to Study the Bible
How to Study the Bible is a shorter work on studying the Bible. Stalker has 4 chapers, the study of texts, boks, groups of books, and doctrine.
Boyd, R. – First Words to Young Christians
In this 15 chapter book, Boyd has chapters on issues of interest to new converts, such as making a public confession, spiritual growth, duties in the church, to the pastor, in the Sunday School, in the world, foes to grave, helps and hindrances in the Daily Life, the spiritual mind, hindrances to the spiritual mindedness, consecration, successful Christian, how to use the Bible, hints on Christian living.