Bristol, S. – Paracletos, or The Baptism of the Holy Ghost

In this work (14 chapters) by Bristol (Congregationalist), he first defines “paracletos”, then examines the Work of the Holy Spirit under the Mosaic dispensation, then under the Messiah, then the Pentecostal Baptism, not limited to apostolic times, the personal blessing, its relation to Christian work, conditions, counterfeits, how retained and how lost, testimonies, and the personality and divinity of the Holy Spirit.

Abbey-Overton – The English Church in the Eighteenth Century

This is a book of English Church History written in 1896. Chapter titles include Robert Nelson, The Deists, Latitudinarian Churchmanship, Trinitarian Controversy, Enthusiasm, Church Absuses, Evangelical Revival, Church Fabrics and Services. (Full chapter contents follows …)

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