McAfee A Study of the King James Version of the Bible

McAfee A Study of the King James Version of the Bible
By Cleland Boyd McAfee

In this 6 chapter work, McAfee discusses the history, making, and influence of the King James Bible.

Contents of McAfee A Study of the King James Version of the Bible

Preface 3

Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit is a 3 part, 15 Chapter work on various matters of the Holy Spirit. From the Deeper Life Movement
PDF:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
theWord:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
MySword:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.
eSword:Watchman Nee The Communion of the Holy Spirit.

Lecture 1 Preparing the Way– The English Bible before King James 4

Lecture 2 The Making of the King James Version; Its Characteristics 21

Lecture 3 The King James Version as English Literature 39

Lecture 4 The Influence of the King James Version on English Literature 56

Lecture 5 The King James Version–Its Influence on English and American History 83

Lecture 6 The Bible in the Life of To-Day 101

McAfee A Study of the King James Version of the Bible

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