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Bonner The Christian Hell

The Christian Hell 
from the First to the Twentieth Century
by Bonner, Hypatia Bradlaugh (1858-1935)

I am including this work from Mrs. Bonner (a feminist and atheist), because she outlines the secular history of the concept of hell. Obviously she will not give us a fair shake on the Bible’s presentation of the subject, but she will educate us on secular man’s view of hell. She has added probably 30 woodcuts from ancient times depicting what they imagined hell would be like.

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Bonner-christian-hell Bok
Bonner-christian-hell Bok
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Biederwolf Hell: Why? What? How Long?

Biederwolf Hell: Why? What? How Long?

by William Edward Biederwolf

Fleming H. Revell Company
Chicago New York Toronto
Publishers of Evangelical Literature


“And in Hades he lifted up his eyes being in torment” (Luke 16:23).

Summary of Biederwolf Hell: Why? What? How Long?

Biederwolf Hell: Why? What? How Long? is a one chapter work by Biederwolf (Presbyterian) on Hell. Continue reading

Binet Purgatory Surveyed

Purgatory Surveyed
or A Particular Account of the happy, and yet thrice unhappy, state of the Souls there.
By Etienne Binet

This Catholic work by the priest Binet, is set up in 6 sections called surveys, where he examines different aspects of purgatory from a Catholic view. (1) the suffering of souls in purgatory. (2) A study of paradise (as part of purgatory). (3) What should be our love towards the souls in purgatory. (4) Our moral obligation to pray them out of purgatory. (5) A defense for prayers for the dead. (6) 12 means to prevent purgatory and shorten our stay there. Continue reading

Adams Endless Punishment

Adams Endless Punishment is a defense of Scripturalness of Eternal Punishment. Basically the Universalists deny that a loving God would allow anybody to be punished eternally. This treatise attacks the Universalist position.

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Adams - Endless Punishment Scriptural Argument Bok
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Adams-endless-punishment-scriptural-argument Bok
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