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Boettner The Reformed Faith

The Reformed Faith

by Loraine Boettner

In this 8 chapter work, Boettner (Reformed, Presbyterian) presents the Reformed faith, basically Calvinism. His chapters are the sovereignty of God, man’s totally helpless condition, Christ’s atonement, God’s foreknowledge, the universalistic passages, the two systems contrasted, the five points of Arminianism, and the five points of Calvinism.

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Boettner-reformed-faith Bok
Boettner-reformed-faith Bok
172.0 KB

John Calvin Commentary on the Whole Bible

John Calvin Commentary on the Whole Bible

John Calvin Commentary on the Whole Bible is a commentary on the whole Bible for MySword. It is from John Calvin, Reformed Calvinist. Continue reading

Calvin Cmt
Calvin Cmt
45.1 MB