Christian Conception of Holiness is a study (256+ pages) on holiness. Different aspects and views from different parts of the Bible are examined. Holiness as our Christian duty, as the source of our happiness, in relation to the will of God, the consequences of the fall, and man’s restoration in the atonement, etc.
Tag Archives: Sin
Marshall, W. – Christ Receiveth Sinners
This is basically a 2 chapter small work on salvation taken from Isaiah 1:18. The argument of Marshall (Puritan) is that people should not think that they have to be perfect (sinless) before they come to Christ.
Boettner Total Depravity
In this 7 chapter work on the Total Depravity of man, Boettner states the doctrine, and then examines the extent and effects of original sin, the defects in man’s “virtues”, the fall of man, the representative principle, and the goodness and severity of God.
Arnold The Christian Life: Its Course, Its Hindrances, and Its Helps.
Christian Life Its Course Its Hindrances and Its Helps is a book of 30+ sermons on different aspects of the Christian life.
Arnold, G. – The Principles of N.T. Giving
Arnold, G. – The Principles of N.T. Giving is a very short single chapter work defending the end of the tithe for NT believers.