Ridout Deadly Fallacy of Seventh-Day Adventism is a short 4 chapter work that hits on a couple of key problems with the movement.
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Brakel Christian’s Reasonable Service
Brakel Christian’s Reasonable Service Brakel was a Dutch reformed theologian. In this work he has 4 volumes with over 100 chapters. This is an extensive systematic theology. The work is not as organized as some systematic theologies, but none the less, most of the elements of a Reformed theology are there.
Bellett Paul’s Apostleship and Epistles
Bellett Paul’s Apostleship and Epistles is a 31 chapter survey of Paul’s writings, with some additional 17 chapters on related topics.
Binney-Steele – Theological Compend
In this doctrines book there are four parts: (1) The evidences of religion. (2) the Doctrines of Christianity. (3) the Morals of Christianity. (4) the institutions of Christianity.
Chafer – Major Bible Themes
Chafer – Major Bible Themes is a doctrines survey book with the following topics: Bible, God, Trinity, Dispensations, Covenants, Angels, Satan, Man, Sin, law and Grace, Sanctification, Righteousness, Security, Assurance, Church