The Baier/Walther Compendium of Positive Theology served as the systematic theology textbook for the first few generations of Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod pastors. Written in Latin, it is a revised edition of a classic work by the Seventeenth Century Lutheran dogmatian Johannes Baier. This edition contains an english translation of the theses at the head of each chapter. Later editions will offer the full text of the work.
Tag Archives: Eve
Arnold The Christian Life: Its Course, Its Hindrances, and Its Helps.
Christian Life Its Course Its Hindrances and Its Helps is a book of 30+ sermons on different aspects of the Christian life.
Arnold, G. – The Principles of N.T. Giving
Arnold, G. – The Principles of N.T. Giving is a very short single chapter work defending the end of the tithe for NT believers.