In Lang Atoning Blood – What it does, and What it does not Do by Lang (Brethren), he does an excellent study of the biblical concept of the atoning blood. He examines what the blood does, and what it doesn’t do,
Tag Archives: Lang
Lang The Parables of Jesus
This work by Lang is a very detailed study of just a few parables: The Sower, the Mustard Seed and the Leaven, the Hid Treasure and the Pearl of Great Price, the Ten Virgins, the Talents, the Good Samaritan, the Barren Fig-Tree, the Unjust Steward, the Unprofitable Servants, the Friend at Midnight and the Unjust Judge (Importunate Widow), the Pharisee and the Publican, the Progidal Son, and the Lost Sheep.
Lang Earlier Years of the Modern Tongues Movement
Lang Earlier Years of the Modern Tongues Movement by Brethren author, Lang, is a tracing of the history of the tongues movement in its conception and early years.
Lang Praying is Working
In this work by Lang, he examines prayer in various aspects, under the general umbrella that it is spiritual work. Some chapters are: when to pray, prayer is a force, prayer in church life, delayed answers, it costs to pray, prayer of a righteous man, prayer and promises, and Let us Pray.