The Four Men is a series of 10 sermons by James Stalker, and the four men are the four views of man, how the world sees a man, how a close friend might see him, how he sees himself, and how God sees him.
Tag Archives: Life of Christ
Stalker, J. – The Preacher and His Models
In this 9 chapter work, Preacher and His Models, Stalker (Scottish Presbyterian) profiles a biblical preacher as a Man of God, a Patriot, a man of the Word, a False Prophet, a Man, a Christian, an Apostle, a Thinker, and then ends with an appendix “An Ordination charge.”
Clowe, J. – Miracles of Jesus Christ
Miracles of Jesus Christ is a 39 chapter work on various miracles of Jesus (some would probably not be considered a miracle normally), in which the author presents questions and answers. This author may be a follower of Swedenborgism.
Gordon, S.D. – Quiet Talks on the Crowned Christ of Revelation
In this 8 chapter book Crowned Christ of Revelation Gordon (Congregationalist) presents us with Christ as He appears after he is crowned and presented to us in Revelation. His chapters are the Christ crowned the fact, the Crown book, a sight of the crowned Christ, a message from the crowned Christ, an Advanced step in the Royal Programme, a clearing up storm in the realm, the crowned Christ reigning, and watching the horizon.
Machen Life of Christ
In Machen Life of Christ Machen deals with the life of Christ. His divisions are: 1) The Preparation, 2) the first coming of Christ, 3) His baptism, 4) the early Judean Ministry, 5) the beginning of the Galilaean Ministry, 6) Christ’s period of popularity, 7) the Turning point, 8) Jesus as Messiah, and 9) the prediction of the Cross