In this 6 chapter book, Guide to the Savior. Finney (Deeper Life) examines holiness and Christ within us.
Tag Archives: Blood
Clowe, J. – Miracles of Jesus Christ
Miracles of Jesus Christ is a 39 chapter work on various miracles of Jesus (some would probably not be considered a miracle normally), in which the author presents questions and answers. This author may be a follower of Swedenborgism.
McConkey, J. – Going In To God and Out To Men
In this short 3 chapter work by McConkey, he looks at our going in to God, and then out to men. His chapters are very simply “Going in to God,” “Going out to men,” and conclusion.
Bounds Ineffable Glory: Thoughts on the Resurrection
In Bounds ineffable Glory, thoughts on the resurrection, Bounds looks at the resurrection in 22 chapters.
Barrows, E.P. – Companion to the Bible
This is a Bible Companion Manual, with 39 chapters on various topics of the Bible, for example: the Genuineness of the Gospels, the preservation of the Gospels, the disputed books, Inspiration and canon, OT and NT relationships, authorship of the Pentateuch, formation of the canon, ancients versions, apocryphal books of OT, principles of Biblical Interpretation, figures in Scripture and Types, Interpreting prophecy.