Stalker is a Presbyterian, and in this classic work on the life of Saint Paul, he examines Paul’s place in history, how God prepared Paul, Paul’s conversion, what was Paul’s Gospel, work, and his various missionary travels, his writings and his character.
Category Archives: NT Studies
Allee Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts?
Allee Why Did God Inspire Four Gospel Accounts? is a very short 1 chapter work by researcher Jacob Allee.
Feeney Kingdom of God Kingdom of Heaven
Feeney Kingdom of God Kingdom of Heaven is a single chapter work by Feeney (Pentecostal) on the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven.
Bullinger A Compilation of Teaching on the Mystery
Bullinger A Compilation of Teaching on the Mystery is a series of papers (7 of them) on the teaching of mystery by Bullinger (Brethren, Hyper-Dispensationalist).
Talbot, L.T. – Why Four Gospels? The Four-Fold Portrait of Christ
In this 22 chapter work by Talbot (BIOLA), he looks at the four gospels. He sees the differences between them, identifying each one’s particular audience and character.