The Life of Saint Paul
by Professor James Stalker, D. D.
Fleming’ H. Revell Company
Copyright © 1912
Stalker is a Presbyterian, and in this classic work on the life of Saint Paul, he examines Paul’s place in history, how God prepared Paul, Paul’s conversion, what was Paul’s Gospel, work, and his various missionary travels, his writings and his character.
Life of Saint Paul
Table of Contents of Life of Saint Paul
1. His Place in History
2. His Unconscious Preparation For His Work
3. His Conversion
4. His Gospel
5. The Work Awaiting the Worker
6. His Missionary Travels
7. His Writings and His Character
8. Picture of a Pauline Church
9. His Great Controversy
10. The End
11. Hints for Teachers and Questions For Pupils
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Life of Saint Paul
Stalker, J. - Life of Saint Paul (129 downloads )
pc50 Narcissism versus Love explains how our world is very much like that described in the Bible as the last days. Narcissism is love of one's self, 2Tim 3:2-4. I describe a narcissistic person, and what the Bible says about them.
Extract and topics: But how do we really identify the narcissist? Many people are narcissists and don't know it... Lovers of their own selves. | Lovers of pleasure, not of God. | Covetous and Miserly. | Arrogant, Boasting, and Haughty. | Disobedient to parents, unthankful, and without natural affection. | Traitors (and truce breakers). | Traitors (and truce breakers). | Incontinent (implacable). | False Accusers | Biblical Love is the opposite | The Divine “Remedy” for Narcissism
Read and Download:pc50 Narcissism versus Love.