Adeney, Walter F. – Women of the Bible (biblical women)

Women of the New Testament (biblical women)

biblical women
professor of New Testment Exegesis New College, London
author of ” how to read the bible,” “the theology of the new testament,” etc

More Works by Walter Adeney

    CONTENTS biblical women

    CHAPTER I Mary the Mother of Jesus — Blessed among Women
    A Retiring Nature — Unearthly Scenes — The Human Aspect of the Annunciation — Rossetti’s Picture — The Visit to Elizabeth— The Magnificat— The Wonderful Babe— Mary pondering — The Purification — The Presentation — The Sword 1-13
    CHAPTER II Mater Dolorosa — Sorrow with Blessedness
    The Lost Child — An Unintentional Rebuke — A Separation — At Cana — A Rebuff — An Anxious Mother — A Second Rebuff — The Sentimental Admirer — The Darkest Hour — A Gleam of Light — Fading out of View . . . 14-28
    CHAPTER III The Great Miracle — A Study in Theology
    A Human Mother — The Miracle of Miracles — The Further Miracle of the Virgin Birth — A Fatal Confusion — The Testimony of Two Gospels — Objections — Apocryphal Gospels — Jewish Legends — Patristic Evidence — Ebionite Teaching — Docetism — The Syriac Variation . . 29-42
    CHAPTER IV The Madonna — A Study in Imagination
    Perpetual Virginity — History of the Dogma — The Glorification of Virginity — The Immaculate Conception — The Assumption — Virgin Worship—” The Mother of God ” — Christian Art — Divine Pity ….. 43-56
    CHAPTER V Elizabeth — Motherhood and Humility
    A High-born Woman — The Instinct of Motherhood — The Child of Old Age— The Visit— The Welcome— A Wonder of Humility— Mutual Confidences — Naming the Child — His Future 57-70
    CHAPTER VI Anna — Aged and Hopeful
    Her long Vigils — The Life of Devotion — Energy of Prayer — The Melancholy of Old Age— Youthful Old Age— A Quickening Hope — Vitalising Prayer — The Recognition – of the Christ— The National Hope …. 71-84
    CHAPTER VII The “Woman of Samaria — Thirst
    At the Well— The Request — Living Water— A Vivacious Mind — The Awakening— A Soul’s Unrest— The Thirst for Excitement — Conscience — The Type of the Inconstant — The Prophet — A Strange Evangelist 85-09
    CHAPTER VIII The Women who Ministered to Jesus — Active Devotion
    Peter’s Wife’s Mother — Inopportune Illness — The First Woman Healed — The Service of Gratitude — The Women who Ministered with their Substance — The Wealthier Status of Women Disciples — The Court Lady . . . 100-113
    CHAPTER IX The Woman who Touched the Hem of Christ’s Garment — Shy Faith
    The Explanation of an Unusual Approach — The Child and the Woman — Desperate Need — Faith and Superstition — Healing Contact — Involuntary Power — Jesus Asking for Information — A Theological Blunder— Shyness Conquered by Gratitude— Confessing Christ — Faith Commended— The Legend of St. Veronica 114-127
    CHAPTER X The Woman who Washed the Feet of Jesus with Her Tears — Forgiveness and Love
    The Scene at an Eastern Feast— A Natural Judgment — A New Idea — Sin not to be Denied — Forgiveness Forbids Recrimination — A Passion of Devotion — A Revelation of Character — Love the Fruit of Forgiveness — Emotion must have Expression 128-140
    CHAPTER XI The Canaanite Woman — A Mother’s Persistence
    Jesus in Retirement — A Primitive Passion — Christ Confessed by a Heathen— A Piteous Appeal Disregarded— The Reason— Hopeful Silence— A Harsh Proverb— The Unreported Smile— Delightful Repartee— Faith Rewarded 141-153
    CHAPTER XII The Mother of Zebedee’s Children — Material Ambition
    Salome, Mary’s Sister — Her Early Days — The Fisherman’s Wife — Among the Ministering Women — Her Daring Request — Maternal Ambition — Her Faith in Her Nephew — In Sight of the Cross — A Spartan Mother — FamUy Selfishness — The Earlier Position of the Two Sons — The Great Mistake — A Consolation 151-167
    CHAPTER XIII The Sisters — A Contrast
    The Bethany Household — 1. A Family Difference — Natural Irritation — The Active and the Contemplative Lives — Expostulation — Reply — Plain Living and High Thinking — 2. At the Grave — An Earthquake Revelation — Unaccountable Delay — Jesus at Bethany — Sublime Faith — 3. The Anointing — The Accusation— The Defence 168-1S3
    CHAPTER XIV The Widow with Two Mites — True Giving
    The Minor Incidents of the Gospel— Jesus at the Temple — The Widow — The Gift Valued by the Sacrifice — Penury. Rescued from Sordidness 184-194
    CHAPTER XV Mary Magdalene — Adoration after Deliverance
    A Double Confusion — Vindication of the Magdalene’s Character — Her Terrible Affliction — The Phenomena of Possession — The Dogmatism of Science — Among the Attendant Women — At the Cross — The Entombment — The Empty Tomb— The Vision of Angels — The Gardener — Noli me tangere 195-208
    CHAPTER XVI Dorcas and Phoebe — Woman’s Work
    Women in the Apostolic Churches — 1. Dorcas — Christian Charities — Active Service — The Old-fashioned Work with the Needle— “Dorcas” Societies — 2. Phoebe—The Deaconess— The Patroness 209-220
    CHAPTER XVII St. Paul’s Woman Converts — Saved to Serve
    The Prominent Position of Women — 1. Lydia — The First- Known Christian in Europe— Her Open Mind — 2. The Pythoness — Her Affliction — The Cure — Its Results — 3. Damans — The Athenian Audience — Rare Exceptions — 4. The Ephesian Women — Their Varied Works— 5. The Women at Philippi — An Exhortation to Harmony . . 221-235
    CHAPTER XVIII Priscilla — The Woman Missionary
    Roman Legends and Inscriptions — The Early History of Priscilla — The’ Teacher of Apollos — Woman’s Larger Ministry — The Woman Missionary — The Missionary’s Wife 236-246
    CHAPTER XIX Women in High Places — Shame of Womanhood
    A Dark Background — 1. Herodias— Her Scandalous Career — 2, Salome — The Dance and the Murder — 3. Bernice — A Royal Visit— 4. Drusula — The Four Dissolute Queens — 5. Pilate’s Wife — Her Warning Dream . , . 24G-254
    CHAPTER XX The Mystical Women of the Apocalypse — Woman Symbolical
    Weird Symbols — 1, The Woman Jezebel — A Corrupting Influence— 2. The Locusts of the Pit — Womanly Grace with Cruel Terror — 3. The Woman Clothed with the Sun — The Jewish Church and Her Messiah — 4. The Scarlet Woman — Imperial Kome — 5. The Lamb’s Bride — The Christian Church and her Lord 255-263
    CHAPTER XXI The Treatment of Woman in the New Testament — A Summary

    The New Testament Picture- Gallery — Jewish Freedom for Women — The Christian Advance — Christ’s Teaching on the Gentler Virtues — Our Lord’s Treatment of Women — A Doubtful Passage — Philip’s Daughters — Women Preachers— St. Paul’s Treatment of Women . . 264-276

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    CONTENTS of Adeney's Women of the NT
    1. Mary the Mother of Jesus — Blessed among Women
    2. Mater Dolorosa — Sorrow with Blessedness
    3. The Great Miracle — A Study in Theology
    4. The Madonna — A Study in Imagination
    5. Elizabeth — Motherhood and Humility
    6. Anna — Aged and Hopeful
    7. The "Woman of Samaria — Thirst
    8. The Women who Ministered to Jesus — Active Devotion
    9. The Woman who Touched the Hem of Christ's Garment — Shy Faith
    10. The Woman who Washed the Feet of Jesus with Her Tears — Forgiveness and Love
    11. The Canaanite Woman — A Mother's Persistence
    12. The Mother of Zebedee's Children — Material Ambition
    13. The Sisters — A Contrast
    14. The Widow with Two Mites — True Giving
    15. Mary Magdalene — Adoration after Deliverance
    16. Dorcas and Phoebe — Woman's Work
    17. St. Paul's Woman Converts — Saved to Serve
    18. Priscilla — The Woman Missionary
    19. Women in High Places — Shame of Womanhood
    20. The Mystical Women of the Apocalypse — Woman Symbolical
    21. The Treatment of Woman in the New Testament — A Summary

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    Author:Walter Adeney
    Date:February 4, 2015

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