Adeney, Walter F. – Women of the Bible (biblical women)

Women of the New Testament (biblical women)

biblical women
professor of New Testment Exegesis New College, London
author of ” how to read the bible,” “the theology of the new testament,” etc

More Works by Walter Adeney

CONTENTS biblical women

CHAPTER I Mary the Mother of Jesus — Blessed among Women
A Retiring Nature — Unearthly Scenes — The Human Aspect of the Annunciation — Rossetti’s Picture — The Visit to Elizabeth— The Magnificat— The Wonderful Babe— Mary pondering — The Purification — The Presentation — The Sword 1-13
CHAPTER II Mater Dolorosa — Sorrow with Blessedness
The Lost Child — An Unintentional Rebuke — A Separation — At Cana — A Rebuff — An Anxious Mother — A Second Rebuff — The Sentimental Admirer — The Darkest Hour — A Gleam of Light — Fading out of View . . . 14-28
CHAPTER III The Great Miracle — A Study in Theology
A Human Mother — The Miracle of Miracles — The Further Miracle of the Virgin Birth — A Fatal Confusion — The Testimony of Two Gospels — Objections — Apocryphal Gospels — Jewish Legends — Patristic Evidence — Ebionite Teaching — Docetism — The Syriac Variation . . 29-42
CHAPTER IV The Madonna — A Study in Imagination
Perpetual Virginity — History of the Dogma — The Glorification of Virginity — The Immaculate Conception — The Assumption — Virgin Worship—” The Mother of God ” — Christian Art — Divine Pity ….. 43-56
CHAPTER V Elizabeth — Motherhood and Humility
A High-born Woman — The Instinct of Motherhood — The Child of Old Age— The Visit— The Welcome— A Wonder of Humility— Mutual Confidences — Naming the Child — His Future 57-70
CHAPTER VI Anna — Aged and Hopeful
Her long Vigils — The Life of Devotion — Energy of Prayer — The Melancholy of Old Age— Youthful Old Age— A Quickening Hope — Vitalising Prayer — The Recognition – of the Christ— The National Hope …. 71-84
CHAPTER VII The “Woman of Samaria — Thirst
At the Well— The Request — Living Water— A Vivacious Mind — The Awakening— A Soul’s Unrest— The Thirst for Excitement — Conscience — The Type of the Inconstant — The Prophet — A Strange Evangelist 85-09
CHAPTER VIII The Women who Ministered to Jesus — Active Devotion
Peter’s Wife’s Mother — Inopportune Illness — The First Woman Healed — The Service of Gratitude — The Women who Ministered with their Substance — The Wealthier Status of Women Disciples — The Court Lady . . . 100-113
CHAPTER IX The Woman who Touched the Hem of Christ’s Garment — Shy Faith
The Explanation of an Unusual Approach — The Child and the Woman — Desperate Need — Faith and Superstition — Healing Contact — Involuntary Power — Jesus Asking for Information — A Theological Blunder— Shyness Conquered by Gratitude— Confessing Christ — Faith Commended— The Legend of St. Veronica 114-127
CHAPTER X The Woman who Washed the Feet of Jesus with Her Tears — Forgiveness and Love
The Scene at an Eastern Feast— A Natural Judgment — A New Idea — Sin not to be Denied — Forgiveness Forbids Recrimination — A Passion of Devotion — A Revelation of Character — Love the Fruit of Forgiveness — Emotion must have Expression 128-140
CHAPTER XI The Canaanite Woman — A Mother’s Persistence
Jesus in Retirement — A Primitive Passion — Christ Confessed by a Heathen— A Piteous Appeal Disregarded— The Reason— Hopeful Silence— A Harsh Proverb— The Unreported Smile— Delightful Repartee— Faith Rewarded 141-153
CHAPTER XII The Mother of Zebedee’s Children — Material Ambition
Salome, Mary’s Sister — Her Early Days — The Fisherman’s Wife — Among the Ministering Women — Her Daring Request — Maternal Ambition — Her Faith in Her Nephew — In Sight of the Cross — A Spartan Mother — FamUy Selfishness — The Earlier Position of the Two Sons — The Great Mistake — A Consolation 151-167
CHAPTER XIII The Sisters — A Contrast
The Bethany Household — 1. A Family Difference — Natural Irritation — The Active and the Contemplative Lives — Expostulation — Reply — Plain Living and High Thinking — 2. At the Grave — An Earthquake Revelation — Unaccountable Delay — Jesus at Bethany — Sublime Faith — 3. The Anointing — The Accusation— The Defence 168-1S3
CHAPTER XIV The Widow with Two Mites — True Giving
The Minor Incidents of the Gospel— Jesus at the Temple — The Widow — The Gift Valued by the Sacrifice — Penury. Rescued from Sordidness 184-194
CHAPTER XV Mary Magdalene — Adoration after Deliverance
A Double Confusion — Vindication of the Magdalene’s Character — Her Terrible Affliction — The Phenomena of Possession — The Dogmatism of Science — Among the Attendant Women — At the Cross — The Entombment — The Empty Tomb— The Vision of Angels — The Gardener — Noli me tangere 195-208
CHAPTER XVI Dorcas and Phoebe — Woman’s Work
Women in the Apostolic Churches — 1. Dorcas — Christian Charities — Active Service — The Old-fashioned Work with the Needle— “Dorcas” Societies — 2. Phoebe—The Deaconess— The Patroness 209-220
CHAPTER XVII St. Paul’s Woman Converts — Saved to Serve
The Prominent Position of Women — 1. Lydia — The First- Known Christian in Europe— Her Open Mind — 2. The Pythoness — Her Affliction — The Cure — Its Results — 3. Damans — The Athenian Audience — Rare Exceptions — 4. The Ephesian Women — Their Varied Works— 5. The Women at Philippi — An Exhortation to Harmony . . 221-235
CHAPTER XVIII Priscilla — The Woman Missionary
Roman Legends and Inscriptions — The Early History of Priscilla — The’ Teacher of Apollos — Woman’s Larger Ministry — The Woman Missionary — The Missionary’s Wife 236-246
CHAPTER XIX Women in High Places — Shame of Womanhood
A Dark Background — 1. Herodias— Her Scandalous Career — 2, Salome — The Dance and the Murder — 3. Bernice — A Royal Visit— 4. Drusula — The Four Dissolute Queens — 5. Pilate’s Wife — Her Warning Dream . , . 24G-254
CHAPTER XX The Mystical Women of the Apocalypse — Woman Symbolical
Weird Symbols — 1, The Woman Jezebel — A Corrupting Influence— 2. The Locusts of the Pit — Womanly Grace with Cruel Terror — 3. The Woman Clothed with the Sun — The Jewish Church and Her Messiah — 4. The Scarlet Woman — Imperial Kome — 5. The Lamb’s Bride — The Christian Church and her Lord 255-263
CHAPTER XXI The Treatment of Woman in the New Testament — A Summary

The New Testament Picture- Gallery — Jewish Freedom for Women — The Christian Advance — Christ’s Teaching on the Gentler Virtues — Our Lord’s Treatment of Women — A Doubtful Passage — Philip’s Daughters — Women Preachers— St. Paul’s Treatment of Women . . 264-276

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CONTENTS of Adeney's Women of the NT
1. Mary the Mother of Jesus — Blessed among Women
2. Mater Dolorosa — Sorrow with Blessedness
3. The Great Miracle — A Study in Theology
4. The Madonna — A Study in Imagination
5. Elizabeth — Motherhood and Humility
6. Anna — Aged and Hopeful
7. The "Woman of Samaria — Thirst
8. The Women who Ministered to Jesus — Active Devotion
9. The Woman who Touched the Hem of Christ's Garment — Shy Faith
10. The Woman who Washed the Feet of Jesus with Her Tears — Forgiveness and Love
11. The Canaanite Woman — A Mother's Persistence
12. The Mother of Zebedee's Children — Material Ambition
13. The Sisters — A Contrast
14. The Widow with Two Mites — True Giving
15. Mary Magdalene — Adoration after Deliverance
16. Dorcas and Phoebe — Woman's Work
17. St. Paul's Woman Converts — Saved to Serve
18. Priscilla — The Woman Missionary
19. Women in High Places — Shame of Womanhood
20. The Mystical Women of the Apocalypse — Woman Symbolical
21. The Treatment of Woman in the New Testament — A Summary

Dagg Manual of Theology is a theology work in 2 volumes by J.L. Dagg a Reformed Southern Baptist. It is an extensive, very ample presentation of doctrines.
This is an extensive Bible Systematic Theology (Bible Doctrines book) from a conservative point of view.
Read/Download: now with pdf download link. 50,000 views on this page with download link

Author:Walter Adeney
Date:February 4, 2015

Divine use of Sickness CP34 Divine use of Sickness
Read this tract by Pastor Cox about the divine use of sickness explains how God works with sickness to remind man of his limited time on earth, the consequences of sin, etc.
In this tract Pastor Cox explains how God positively uses sickness to help us turn our thoughts and attention to the eternal. We get so involved in our daily lives sometimes that we forget that our life is but a vapor on this earth, soon to no longer be. God uses sickness as a severe warning that our time is running out, and we need to live as though every moment has a forward view towards eternity. How we spend our life is important. Sections:
1. Understanding that God is God
2. Sickness because of Sin
3. Warning about approaching Death
4. Warning about Human weakness
5. The Error of the Sick
6. God listens to those who ask in sincerity

Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
There is an attitude within much of Christianity that sickness in any form is bad, and God does not have anything to do with it. For these Christans, they ask God to take the sickness away, and sometimes (as though it was their right to be health) that they demand God to remove their sickness. The reality of life is that they continue ill, and many have a crisis of faith over this. For them, God is impotent, or God does not love them. In other words, their confidence, faith, and love of God depends on God always sending them good things. But this is not how the Bible indicates life is. God uses calamity and sickness for His own purposes and we have to understand this (and accept it).
Please support our tract ministry by donating on the tract website (see sidebar). Because of your donations we can offer these tracts online, and for free. Read the Tract CH34
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