Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel
by Timothy Lin, Ph.D.
In this 3 chapter work, Lin (Bob Jones University) presents us with thoughts on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit in relation to the minister. His chapters are the Baptism with the Holy Spirit; The Filling of the Holy Spirit, and The Fullness of the Holy Spirit. Excellent work!
Dagg Manual of Theology (and links to this work in various other formats).
Dagg Manual of Theology (MySword for Android)
Dagg Manual of Theology (theWord Bible Format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (esword format)
Dagg Manual of Theology (PDF Format)
EUGENE H. MERRILL: “In this delightful treatise Dr. Lin makes a powerful argument for the reality of the presence of the Holy Spirit in the lives of modern believers and the need for them to be open to what He would do in and through them. He clearly articulates the differences among baptism, filling and fullness of the Spirit and shows how each is essential to the Christian who would enjoy a life of victory and effectiveness.”
Dr. Merrill is Distinguished Professor of Old Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary
LESLIE M. FRAZIER: “This book is characterized by thoroughness, clarity and simplicity. Dr. Lin, with his language expertise, spiritual insight and many years of experience in Christian ministry, has given the Christian public a very useful tool to understand the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the believer’s life. The baptism, filling and fullness of the Holy Spirit are clearly presented. The filling and fullness of the Holy Spirit are so necessary to accomplish the Great Commission. May the Lord give this book a wide reading.”
Dr. Frazier is Far East Director, Baptist International Missions, Inc.
Note: Reviews to the first edition of Dr. Lin’s, How the Holy Spirit Works in Believers’ Lives Today. 3
Copyright © 1997, 2001
Biblical Studies Ministries International, Inc.
All rights reserved.
This book may be photocopied when done in conformity with our Reprint Policy that can be seen at Direct all questions and comments to us at
Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel
Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, © Copyright The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977. Used by permission.
The Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION ®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan Publishing House. All rights reserved.
The Scripture references marked retranslated are the author’s own translations. For emphasis some words or phrases in certain quotations have been made bolder than ordinary.
The title of this book is a quote from D. L. Moody’s book, Secret Power, 48-49. This work is a fourth anniversary revision of Dr. Lin’s How the Holy Spirit works in Believers’ Lives Today, with remarks and illustrations from the lives of several spiritual giants, mostly in chapter two.
Revised edition, July 2001
Other books by Dr. Lin
Genesis A Biblical Theology
The Kingdom and What It Means to the Life of the Believer
The Secret of Church Growth 4
What Baptism with the Holy Spirit Really Is 7
A. The Meaning of the Word “Baptism.” 7
B. The Historical Development of Baptism with the Spirit. 8
C. The Differences Between “Baptism with the Spirit” and “Filled with the Spirit.” 12
The Power of God Available for Effective Ministry and Life 15
A. The Importance of Spirit-filling. 15
B. Some Misunderstandings Concerning Spirit-filling. 19
C. The Purpose of Being Filled with the Holy Spirit. 22
D. The Conditions for Being Filled with the Spirit. 28
E. God Commands Us to “Be Filled with the Spirit.” 34
F. More Help Concerning the Filling of the Holy Spirit 37
God’s Life Producing Daily the Fruit of the Holy Spirit in Our Lives 44
A. The Distinction Between the Gifts of the Spirit and the Fruit of the Spirit. 45
B. Obtaining the Fullness of the Holy Spirit. 47
Conclusion 56
Lin Fresh Power to Preach the Gospel
Category: | Mysw-bok-l |
Date: | February 4, 2015 |
Read this tract by Pastor Cox about the divine use of sickness explains how God works with sickness to remind man of his limited time on earth, the consequences of sin, etc.
In this tract Pastor Cox explains how God positively uses sickness to help us turn our thoughts and attention to the eternal. We get so involved in our daily lives sometimes that we forget that our life is but a vapor on this earth, soon to no longer be. God uses sickness as a severe warning that our time is running out, and we need to live as though every moment has a forward view towards eternity. How we spend our life is important.
1. Understanding that God is God
2. Sickness because of Sin
3. Warning about approaching Death
4. Warning about Human weakness
5. The Error of the Sick
6. God listens to those who ask in sincerity
Job 13:15 Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him.
There is an attitude within much of Christianity that sickness in any form is bad, and God does not have anything to do with it. For these Christans, they ask God to take the sickness away, and sometimes (as though it was their right to be health) that they demand God to remove their sickness. The reality of life is that they continue ill, and many have a crisis of faith over this. For them, God is impotent, or God does not love them. In other words, their confidence, faith, and love of God depends on God always sending them good things. But this is not how the Bible indicates life is. God uses calamity and sickness for His own purposes and we have to understand this (and accept it).Please support our tract ministry by donating on the tract website (see sidebar). Because of your donations we can offer these tracts online, and for free. Read the Tract CH34
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