Machen, J.G. – Brief Bible History Survey

A Brief Bible History Survey of the Old Testament and New Testament
By J. Gresham Machen

This is a historical survey of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It is very brief in its treatment. Although Machen does not go very deeply into the text, it is an excellent overview of the Bible from a historical point of view.


Moule Veni Creati
is an old, well known work in studies in the Holy Spirit by Bishop (Anglican) H.G.C. Moule. It has 12 chapters. It is a deep treatment of the Holy Spirit. Although Moule was Anglican, his writings are well written and good.
theWord: Moule Veni Creati
MySword: Moule Veni Creati
ESword:Moule Veni Creati
Adobe Acrobat PDF: Moule Veni Creati


1. Before Abraham Genesis 1-11.
2. The Patriarchs Gen 12-50.
3. Egyptian Bondage and Deliverance
4. Moses as Leader and Lawgiver Ex 2-4.
5. Conquest and Settlement of Canaan Joshua
6. Period of the Judges (Judges, Ruth)
7. Samuel and Saul Prophecy and Monarchy (1Sam)
8. David and Solomon Psalms and Wisdom
9. The Kingdom of Israel (1Ki12-2Ki17)
10. Kingdom of Judah to Hezekiah
11. Judah, from Hezekiah to the Exile
12. Exile and Restoration
13. Jewish State Under Persia
14. Israel’s Religious Life
15. “The Coming One”

1. The Preparation
2. The Coming of the Lord
3. The Baptism
4. The Early Judean Ministry
5. Beginning of the Galilaean Ministry
6. Period of Popularity
7. The Turning Point
8. Jesus as Messiah
9. The Prediction of the Cross
10. The Last Journeys
11. Teaching in the Temple
12. The Crucifixion
13. The Resurrection
14. Beginnings of the Christian Church
15. First Persecution
16. The Conversion of Paul
17. The Gospel Given to the Gentiles
18. The First Missionary Journey and the Apostolic Council
19. The Second Missionary Journey
20. The Third Missionary Journey.
21. The Third Missionary Journey.
22. The First Imprisonment of Paul
23. The Close of the Apostolic Age

Machen-brief-bible-history-survey-of-ot-nt Bok
1.2 MB

Brief Bible History Survey is a historical survey of OT & NT. Very brief in its treatment. It is an excellent overview from a historical point of view.

Date:February 4, 2015

fam42 The Foolish Child
explains what the Bible teaches on fools and foolishness, and also a parent's solution to a foolish child.
Excerpts: Ecclesiastes 4:13 Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished. A fool is a person who rejects advice.
We can define the concept of foolishness as the lack of values and vision toward eternity, toward spiritual things. In other words, this person lives focusing on things that the person wants, and he does not pay attention to what God says as being important, or how God says we should live.
Proverbs 18:2 A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
The basis of being wise is that you do not limit yourself, to just what you think you know. A wise person opens his thinking to the wisdom and advice of others, and weighs others’ opinions to see if they are right or not. The foolish only considers what he himself thinks, or what other fools like him think.

View tract: fam42 The Foolish Child

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