Mercer, A.G. – Bible Characters

This is Dr. Mercer’s book on Bible Characters: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Jacob’s Vision, Joseph, Caleb, Joshua, Eli, David, Jabez, Mary, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, Simon Peter, Zaccheus, Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, Stephen, Saul of Tarsus, Paul and Barnabus, Paul at Athens, Gallio, Paul before Felix, Paul at Melita.

Moorehead Outline Studies in the Books of the Old Testament

In Moorehead Outline Studies in the Books of the Old Testament by Professir Moorehead (I am not sure of Moorehead’s affiliation, except that he was with D.L. Moody and Moody Bible Institute, so he was probably Congregationalist. He did work on the Scofield Bible Reference Notes, and that group was mainly Brethren-Dispensationalist), he examines the OT. Basically this is like an Old Testament Survey Book.

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