This is Dr. Mercer’s book on Bible Characters: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Esau, Jacob’s Vision, Joseph, Caleb, Joshua, Eli, David, Jabez, Mary, John the Baptist, Nicodemus, Simon Peter, Zaccheus, Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, Stephen, Saul of Tarsus, Paul and Barnabus, Paul at Athens, Gallio, Paul before Felix, Paul at Melita.
Tag Archives: Joshua
Bellett, J.G. – Notes on Joshua
This is a 11 chapter work on the life of Joshua by Bellet (Brethren).
Mauro, P. – The Hope of Israel: What Is It?
A study on what is Israel’s expectation and hope in the light of biblical revelation. In these 20 chapters Mauro traces from the Old Testament promises to Israel to the New Testament change, and the future changes in the end times up through the millennium.
Moorehead Outline Studies in the Books of the Old Testament
In Moorehead Outline Studies in the Books of the Old Testament by Professir Moorehead (I am not sure of Moorehead’s affiliation, except that he was with D.L. Moody and Moody Bible Institute, so he was probably Congregationalist. He did work on the Scofield Bible Reference Notes, and that group was mainly Brethren-Dispensationalist), he examines the OT. Basically this is like an Old Testament Survey Book.
Machen, J.G. – Brief Bible History Survey
Brief Bible History Survey is a historical survey of the Old Testament and the New Testament. It is very brief in its treatment. Although Machen does not go very deeply into the text, it is an excellent overview of the Bible from a historical point of view.