Is The Bible Worth Reading is simply 108 short quips and quotes on different subjects. Note the title of the work comes from the 1st of these sections, and the entire work deals very little or almost nothing with bibliology. The quotes cover all subjects related to Christianity.
Category Archives: U-V-W-X-Y-Z
Zukeran – The World of the Occult
This module is an article from Probe Ministries by Pat Zukeran on the dangers of the Occult movement as it invades our lives.
Webster Bible Translation [Webster]
Noah Webster’s 1833 limited revision of the King James Bible focused mainly on replacing archaic words and making simple grammatical changes. For example: “why” instead of “wherefore”, “its” instead of “his” when referring to nonliving things, “male child” instead of “manchild”, etc. He also introduced euphemisms to remove words he found offensive: “whore” becomes “lewd woman”. Overall, very few changes were made, and the result is a book which is almost indistinguishable from the King James Bible. It has sometimes been called the “Common Version” (which is not to be confused with the Common Bible of 1973, an ecumencial edition of the Revised Standard Version).
Voice in the Wilderness Bible [VW]
Voice in the Wilderness Bible [VW] I would consider this Bible a literal version which is seen by the care of the translator in trying to not introduce or repeat the bias in other Bibles such as the KJV.
Whyte Lord, Teach us to Pray
Whyte Lord, Teach us to Pray is a 23 chapter on Prayer, investigating the meaning of Luke 11:1 Lord teach us to pray.