Machen, J.G. – Importance of Christian Scholarship

In Importance of Christian Scholarship by Machen, he examines why Christians should be extremely concerned with excellence in education. The first section is Christian excellence in education’s bearing on evangelism. The second section is its bearing on the defence of the faith, our basic foundational beliefs, and the third section is its bearing on the building up of the church.

Allnatt, F.J.B. – Studies in Soul Tending

In this 13 chapter work Studies in Soul Tending by Alnatt, he presents us with some considerations of people in the ministry dealing with their own position in the ministry (prayer, fasting, meditation, intercession) and their relationship with their people. Frankly I believe this author is Catholic or Anglican, and the concept of “priest” is very apparent, but even so, it is not so strongly Catholic as to make it useless. Many of the suggestions on dealing with people are valid.

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